When you for instance say the sacred Sanskrit word ‘Aum’ (Om) or recite any of the many mantras you can feel the vibrations, the powerful force emancipating from the words. In addition to this, Albert Einstein once famously said ‘
everything in life is vibration’ and just like much of his work, including the well-known theory of relativity, he was right. All matter, everything in the physical world is currently vibrating at a range of frequencies that enables them to maintain their individual physical form. This is something that modern science newly discovered, but the ancient mystics has known this for a longtime. In the scientific field of quantum physics, at the subatomic particle level and beyond to even tinier levels, all you will find is light potentials coming in and out of existence. At the quantum level, which is beyond what anyone can see, hear or touch, everything is vibrating at a range of frequencies. As our minds and bodies are vibrating, we can with the help of healing music like our Chakra meditation music available only in this website begin our journey of
inner peace and wellbeing today.
If you wish to improve your mind, wellbeing and overall health, you should incorporate binaural beats in your life. Healing frequency music like pure Solfeggio frequencies and Chakra meditation music falls under the New Age music genre. Alternatively, this type of music and sounds can be categorized as ‘music therapy’ because of the therapeutic benefits it gives. Our serene music is calm and blissful with soft instrumentals like popular piano, flute, harp and guitar music with powerful theta brain waves. The peaceful music helps to enhance the brain wave therapy experience. The purpose with brain wave entrainment (another name for binaural beats) is to cause the brain waves of the listener to fall into step with the intermitted stimulus with a frequency corresponding to the desired brain wave effect. The frequency of theta brain waves is in the range of 4 to 7 cycles per second (Hz). When you listen to any of our free theta brain waves for deep meditation you are literally rewiring your brain to form new neural pathways. Meditation music is generally very peaceful and that is why it’s used for recreation and healing around the world. The art of listening is being completely aware of the inner workings of the mind and the outer world. So be completely attentive to the pure meditative sound with your fullest capacity, giving it you whole attention with no interference, this is mindfulness in action. When you listen to our peaceful healing frequency music, we recommend that you don’t do anything else at the same time. Switch off your TV, phone and computer and just listen mindfully to the therapeutic music. Sit in a lotus position or lie down, make sure that you are in a comfortable position that supports alert attention, and just concentrate on the sound and nothing else.
Play Free Chakra Meditation Music & Download Solfeggio Healing Frequency Music
The meaning of the word Chakra in Sanskrit is ‘spinning wheel of energy.’ There are seven Chakras running up the spine of the human body, and each one is associated with a different body part. Here are the seven Chakras location on the body and their name in Sanskrit: The first one is the root Chakra, in Sanskrit it is called Muladhara and it is located at the base of the spine. The second Chakra is based at the navel and it is called Swadhistana. The third Chakra is at the solar plexus on the body and it is called Manipura. The fourth Chakra is based at the heart and it is called Anahata. The fifth Chakra is at the throat and it is called Vishudda. The sixth Chakra is located at the third-eye, between the eyebrows on the forehead and it is called Ajna. The seventh and last one is the crown Chakra and it is located on top of the head and in Sanskrit it is called Sahasrara. When you activate your seven Chakras with healing frequency music your body, mind and spirit will be in perfect equilibrium.
Solfeggio frequencies are popularly used to alter and enhance the mind-body state. A six-tone scale where each powerful tone is comprised of a frequency required to balance your energy and keep the body, mind and spirit in symmetric harmony. Here are the six Solfeggio frequencies: 1) Transform guilt, grief and fear into joy, happiness and forgiveness with frequency 396 Hz (UT). 2) Clear negativity and remove subconscious blockages with frequency 417 Hz (RA). 3) Repair any damaged DNA and stimulate love and equilibrium with frequency 528 Hz (MI). 4) Improve and strengthen your relationships and community with frequency 639 Hz (FA). 5) Cleanse the body from any toxins with frequency 741 Hz (SOL). 6) Awaken your intuition and restore spiritual order and balance with frequency 852 Hz (LA).
At Music to relax you can listen to free healing frequency music and download powerful music that will transform your body and mind. We recommend the use of headphones for the best effect. A great bonus that comes from relaxing to deep meditation music is that it alters negative mental and physical health, thanks to the endorphins and dopamine produced by a healthier and improved brain. When you are in a complete state of relaxation, your body’s natural ability to heal and renew itself is significantly enhanced as mentioned above. Whether you are listening to powerful Chakra meditation music or by silent meditation, you should only pay attention to what is taking place at the moment, don’t get caught up in trivial chains of thought etcetera. Focus on the sound, your breath, remain in the now, in other words be mindful.